Monday, September 24, 2012

Washington Trip 8/21/12 Day 4 Part 2

After lunch in Spokane, we headed south toward Walla Walla.

We did this for a couple of hours.

Winding through wheat rolling wheat fields. It reminded me of Doni Smith's pictures of where she lives, St. John. Then we went past the turn for St. John. No wonder it looked to familiar!

Then in the middle of the fields we followed the route to the Palouse Falls. It was a winding road and we were the only ones. We parked and you could hear this sound.

And there it was!

Oh, yah, Jerry and I rocked matching outfits that mistake!

Self portrait did not work.

We left the falls and made our way toward Walla Walla.

There were a couple little towns we went through. Coming out of one little town, Jerry yells, "CAMEL."

We stopped the car to take a picture of course. He was looking right at us!

Our motel in Walla Walla.

We had dinner out and then ran laundry at the laundry mat. We had to plan our day and then get up the next morning for the Whitman Mission. 

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