Sunday, September 23, 2012

Washington Trip 8/21/12 Day 4 Part 1

Trekking south. We did 273 miles on this day, making it from Colville to Walla Wall, WA. 
Woke up early and had breakfast at Zips.
The view from our booth at the restaurant.

Leaving Colville for the Colville National Forest.

An over cast day, it was even raining part of the day.
I was still really sleepy and getting road worn. Anyway, that is my excuse for not taking pictures. This one is off the internet. But represents what the forest looked like.
Another internet pic of the forest.

When we got to Spokane, we had the only stop that I picked. Life Center Church.  It is really big!

Ilse Papst, Jeanette Harney and Joshua Clare are all at New Life with us but came from Life Center. So I wanted to see it.

We met Ilse's mom, Kari there. She is the head of the nursery. We had a long talk. It was very personal and touching. I forgot to take pictures. So these are all off the internet.
The very large worship center at Life Center.
Kari recommended Lindaman's restaurant in Spokane. 

We had the three salad special.

We ran out of time in Spokane so we headed out for the Pallouse!

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