Thursday, September 13, 2012

Washington Trip 8/20/12 Day 3 Part 1

Well, we woke up in Twisp at The Methow Valley Inn. It is an old hotel converted into a bed and breakfast. Jerry went down for coffee and my hot water. He came back with this tray.

Our host tried to convince Jerry to say he got me the flowers, but we know the truth.

Breakfast is served in this sun room that was the dining room in the old hotel. We had a buffet with bread from the bakery across the alley way and preserves from the garden. 

I was in love with the garden and tried to capture it in pictures for you.

Packing up to go.

An $1800 komodo dragon sculpture made by the high school art teacher.

The side of the house is an outdoor art gallery.

Downtown Twisp. Not even a stop light. There is a theater and they just finished up the Music Man. There is a natural foods market and a bakery. We picked up sandwiches before we left.

Next blog, back on the road.

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