Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pink Sweater

sweater and jeans - Ross, tank - Steve and Berry's, boots - Fred Meyer

Well, the snow did a number on my blog. The governor declared a state of emergency in our part of the state. We had trouble with the modem and the internet going out. A lot of other folks lost power. My husband had to drive me into work. And I wore whatever was warm. However, when I put this outfit on I did get a shot of it on my iPhone, (Thanks Vicki for the new case.) I remembered getting the idea for the combination of pink and striped from Lilly's Style blog. Lilly is all over Pinterest and one of the bloggers who has inspired me. I had to wear boots though since we had about six inches of snow at the time. My sweater is less salmon colored but I couldn't get the color adjusted any better than that.

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