Thursday, March 1, 2012

Eileen Fehlen

Sorry, I have grown so quiet, you all. It is just that we have been having a heck of a week around here. Two of my dear coworkers lost people this week, a youth my son knew has passed, and one of our neighbor's has lost his son. But the biggest loss this week for me has been Eileen Fehlen.

I first knew about Eileen through Pastor Tim Poetzel. Tim had served at our church, New Life, for several years when he took on the pastorate at Stanwood Foursquare. I did a little research and found hysterical videos of Eileen and the staff at Stanwood. Her son, John Fehlen, had been the Pastor at Stanwood.

I met Eileen face-to-face at a meeting of those with a heart for foster care. We were at Mill Creek Foursquare and she was with her daughter in-law Christy. Christy and her husband, Joseph, were foster parents. Joseph had pastored South Everett Foursquare and I had the opportunity to meet Joesph a number of times and hear him preach. But it was my first time meeting the ladies. We ate lunch together that day. I don't remember what we chatted about that day, but her humor and heart left an impression on me.

We met again when I drove up to to Stanwood to meet with her and Deena Parra to talk about starting a support group for foster parents at the church. She even gave us a tour of the building. I have her brochure pinned up over my desk. It is for the Wellhouse, a place where pastors or foster parents can go to get a much needed break. I know it was her dream to have enough respite foster parents at Stanwood Foursquare that all the foster parents in the church could get in time off.

Three weeks ago we had a meeting of orphan care ministries and agencies. The head of the meeting was introducing our speaker, Todd McNeal. She said that she knew Todd was doing important work because his mom had gone on and on about him. We were all puzzled because this Todd's mom wasn't at our meetings. After a few minutes we all whispered, "Eileen." Todd had served in Joseph's church. Apparently, Eileen was so proud of Todd that she had bragged a bit on him too.

Then I heard about the clothing place she was working on. She wrote about it detail on her Facebook. It was going to be a clothing resource for foster parents. An e-mail flyer came out. I put aside a tub of coats and e-mailed Deena to see when I could come up. She said she was sure Eileen would give me a tour.

But that tour never came. Eileen fell ill right after that. Her family gathered around her at Harborview on February 28, 2012. Nine years to the day from the day I was rushed to Harborview and diagnosed, Eileen had a different outcome, and went into the loving arms of her savior.

I didn't have a lot of time with Eileen. When we talked or e-mailed it was usually all business. There was so much to be done. She was not afraid to do it. In a world where there are so few role models or people to look up to, Eileen was that person. I know she was much more than her work. But I only knew that side and it made a big impact on me. The foster care community is minus a mover and a shaker today.


  1. I loved her spirit, her energy and unconditional love for her community. She drew me in with her hugs and our mutual concern for the community. She gave me encouragement and tissues for my tears when I was fighting to stay my course. She showed me the way to God and I will be forever greatful. I am a better person because of Eileen. I will continue work for this community.

  2. Thank you so much. I know it will be hard on Stanwood to have her services in Everett but I love that there are so many people that they need a big old church to house them all. A kind word, a hug, an amazing mid-west accent. These are the little things that help make Eileen a blessing to all. I wish I had more time with her. I wish I could have just sat at her feet and listened.
