Friday, March 30, 2012

Black and beige

I have to say, I love this color combination. Super duper together.

I have a lot of recreations to post so I am hoping to start keeping up with them again.

On Fridays I like to post, "What I Have Been Pinning." This week I have been pinning rings! My wedding ring broke (thanks to a jeweler who sent me away in December and said the prongs didn't need to be retipped. She was wrong.) Repairs are more than half the value of the ring. So I need to get another ring. I ordered a $20 temp on Amazon.

Now I have to find a real one. Mind you, I have a very low dollar limit. Jewelry id just something I don't enjoy spending money on. It feels like wasting money that could go to a trip to Hawaii. Now to the pins.

Amethyst is my birth stone so I have always loved it. Let me know if you have an opinion about the rings. I still don't know what I want.

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